5 ways I improved my business in 2023 (and how 2024 will be even better!)
As 2023 wraps up and we launch headfirst into a brand new year full of endless business opportunities, I felt compelled to list out my “freelance wins” for the year, and what I plan to do better in 2024.
I’ve had a packed year, business-wise, and have worked with a number of new and long-term clients, but on the backend of things, I’ve also taken some pretty large strides. But, there is a distance to go!
Let’s take a look at 5 ways I improved my business in 2023 (and what’s in store for 2024!)
1) Created a website that actually performed
After years of having a business website I felt very “meh” about, a year ago I built a website I not only loved looking at - but that performed. Website growth isn’t an overnight process, but by implementing tried, tested and trusted methods of SEO, my new website started to rank and grow quickly!
I built out dedicated pages for each of my niche industries, so that they turned up in the search results of prospective clients that would be searching for set terms like “copywriter for tradies” and “copywriter for the adult industry”. Now, many of these website pages bring in serious leads, and many are on the first page (if not the top!) of Google.
2. Started blogging for myself regularly
I write so many blogs for clients year in and year out, and as a result, my own blog growth often goes on the backburner. In 2023, I made sure to blog more than before - and to target even more potential clients through my blogs - which worked!
I write blogs that not only demonstrate my expertise in a range of industries - and that are fun to put together - but also blogs that are purely for the purpose of finding and drawing in new customers by showing them what I can do for them.
3. Cold contacted like a pro
I’ve always been a big fan of the cold contact. It may seem scary to some, but I’ve nailed some of the best clients of my freelance career through utilising this often-overlooked method.
Whether it’s an Instagram DM to a business simply introducing myself, stating how I can help them and providing a link to the relevant aforementioned industry page on my website, or even better - a direct email - I’ve found that people truly respond to this personal approach. Often, they may be thinking about hiring a copywriter and - tada - there I am. The task of finding a copywriter or social media manager is already done for them.
4. Worked Trello like never before
I’ll never stop loving Trello. Even when I’ve tried out other organisation / CRM apps, I never last long with them. Trello is where it’s at, and I trust it. (Not an ad.)
Using Trello, I can organise not only my clients and tasks I am working on for them in their relevant boards (plus share work with them directly), but my life as well. I have boards for every facet of my work and life, and ticking them off as I complete them feels like an accomplishment.
Trello also makes sharing upcoming social media calendars and graphics with my social media management clients easy and seamless.
5. Moved house
Finally, the best thing I did for my business in 2023 was to move house. I had been in my last apartment for many years. It was old, uninspiring and my creativity was rapidly waning living there. In my new home in the country, I have literal and figurative space to breathe, more than enough space for a proper home office, and even a garden that I can enjoy my screen breaks in, planting veggies and pottering around in the sun.
Your home is so important to your physical and mental health - I just wish I had taken the leap sooner.
And what I need to work on in 2024….
1. Set clearer boundaries
I say it every year, but this time I mean it. 2024 is my year for setting clear boundaries in order to cultivate the best work / life balance possible. No more out of hours calls or emails, letting things slide, or saying “just this once”. It’s been almost a decade of it and I can’t continue on the same path. My health and ability to persevere as a freelancer after all these years relies on it - and it means the best work possible for my clients.
2. Blog more
In 2023, I put myself in good stead by blogging more often, but next year, I plan to publish to my own blog even more regularly. I have many blogs (that span all of my niche industries) planned out, so stay tuned for much more interesting (and regular) content.
3. Do one thing at a time
I’m the queen of multitasking and often find myself working on a thousand tasks at once , but as I get older, I find that it’s a little harder to manage. In 2024, I’m vowing to completely focus on one project at a time, and allocate set blocks throughout my working day to said tasks. Putting out fires is a freelancer’s speciality, but in the new year I’ll be leaving that old way of working behind.
4. Only work with businesses I believe in
The freelance game is one of “feast and famine”, and over a decade in the gig economy, I’ve been guilty of taking on jobs and clients that I wasn’t passionate about (or even liked) for a pay check. I’ve realised that this isn’t sustainable, and the most passionate I feel about my job is when I am working with my most trusted clients whose goals I share in. Many prospective clients are “too busy” or not invested enough in going through the onboarding process with me. This is when I drill down into what their business is all about, and get to know them. If they can’t invest that time, I can’t invest mine. If you aren’t pumped about your own business, how can I be? It’s the little (or big) things like that.
In 2024, I’ll be more discerning of those I work with, and how their work makes me feel. Because this feeling shows through in their work. As freelancers, we can’t take on every job, and I have to remind myself of this.
5. Create passive income streams
To wrap up my 2024 goals for Barfly Copywriting, I am eager to launch a number of passive revenue streams for myself. This means that I get paid even when I’m not “working”, which is always a clever move.
These “side hustles” will come in the form of more Canva template starter kits (currently I have beauty industry social media templates and adult industry social media templates available) and industry-specific e-books I am working on, and I hope to launch these across the new year.
What was something you did to improve your business in 2023 and how will you improve upon that in 2024?
Eager to hire a copywriter in 2024? Reach out!